Aanya Singh played by Soni Bhalla

Aanya Singh

Age 22
Height 5ft 8"

Aanya is the daughter of Balbir Singh Jootla and Reshma Kaur Jootla.

She has always wanted to find out more about her father Balbir and the events that led to him being lost in the October 31st 1984 Delhi massacres.

Aanya is married to Manohar Singh Kapadia and she is feisty and tough aswell as being gentle and very thoughtful.

The story begins at point in her life where she is happily married and she and her husband receive some great news, when they arrive in London from Delhih but someone from her past appears suddenly and things take a turn for the dark    is about to receive some great news aswell as hiding something from her family which maybe key to the dark events that follow once they arrive in London.